New Arduino Cloud Platform upgrade supports Linux devices

New Arduino Cloud Platform upgrade supports Linux devices

With the latest Arduino cloud platform upgrade, a whole new set of features have been added that are designed to expand the number of Arduino-supported platforms.

The update has helped Arduino Create Cloud users to program Linux boards just like regular Arduino boards. Another added feature is that several Arduino programs can run at the same time on a Linux board and easily communicate with each other.

This feature will help users leverage the capabilities of the latest Arduino connector.

When it comes to Arduino projects, CH340G Driver Software is a vital component, as it aids in the communication between the Arduino board and computer.

You can easily download the CH340G driver software for free from our Arduino Uno product page and make your online purchase for Arduino Uno in Kerala a cakewalk.

CH340 Driver Software installation guide for Windows:

  • To install the CH340G Driver Software on Windows 7/8 all you need to do is plug the board into the USB port and the driver will be installed automatically.
  • In case, the automatic Driver Software installation fails, visit our Arduino Uno page for driver software download.
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